New Clubhouse - How you can help, EasyFunding and the 100 Club
  1. New Clubhouse - How you can help
  2. 100 Club
  3. Easy Funding
  4. Funding Committee for Future Development
New Clubhouse - How you can help, EasyFunding and the 100 Club
  1. New Clubhouse - How you can help
  2. 100 Club
  3. Easy Funding
  4. Funding Committee for Future Development
100 Club
New Clubhouse - How you can help, EasyFunding and the 100 Club 2 of 4

2. 100 Club

The club has a well established 100 Club.  It currently has the potential for new members.  Members and parents are all welcome to join. 

The 100 Club rules are as follows: 

Entry into the 100 Club is £2 per ticket per month.     

There is no limit on the number of tickets entrants may buy.

Entry is through completion of a standing order. 

Three draws take place a year – at the beginning of the hockey season, at Christmas and at the  end of each season.

Six prizes are awarded each draw equal in total to 50% of the contributions made to the 100 club since the previous draw.  The balance is donated to the hockey club.

There are:

(a)  one main prize of 25% of the contributions;  and

(b)   five prizes of 5% each.  

To be eligible for the draw, members of the 100 Club must have made no fewer than three months of contributions leading up to the draw date (back payments upon entry are accepted). 

For additional information please speak to the club treasurer or contact the club office. You can set up a standing order via your bank's online system using the 100 Club's payee details available from the club office.