New Clubhouse - How you can help, EasyFunding and the 100 Club
  1. New Clubhouse - How you can help
  2. 100 Club
  3. Easy Funding
  4. Funding Committee for Future Development
New Clubhouse - How you can help, EasyFunding and the 100 Club
  1. New Clubhouse - How you can help
  2. 100 Club
  3. Easy Funding
  4. Funding Committee for Future Development
New Clubhouse - How you can help, EasyFunding and the 100 Club 4 of 4

4. Funding Committee for Future Development

Fundraising Committee
As your treasurer reported at the AGM, the Club, thanks to the generous sponsorship of Higgins Group plc and generous grants from the OL Trust, has, combined with its membership income, sufficient funds to enable members to enjoy the exceptional playing and coaching facilities which we have at Luxborough Lane.
We are also very fortunate to have had new pitches funded by the Olympic Delivery Authority in 2011/2012 and other infrastructure improvements.
The pitches, irrigation system, floodlights, goals and other equipment will however not last forever and are expensive to maintain annually.
Within 7 to 10 years the pitches will have to be replaced. The cost could be around £500,000. We cannot possibly expect to be able to raise that sort of money in one season and the Club therefore needs to start its fundraising now and plan for the long term.
We need volunteers who are familiar with fundraising, keen to help and willing to use their experience, connections and expertise to help raise money for the Club.
Key areas over the next 5 years could include:
- Increasing the number of Club sponsors
- Generating greater income from the Club’s facilities (pitches and hall)
- Individual fundraising events
- Fundraising campaigns
- Seeking bequests
- Obtaining donations
- Organising individual sponsorship deals (eg of players)
- Liaising with businesses and finding business supporters
- Starting community ventures
- Finding available grants
- Selling advertising on hoardings or on the website
The fundraising committee would work independently of the management committee but report to it.
It would provide prominent information in the clubhouse showing what had been raised and what was still needed.
If you can help please contact Phillip or Richard.