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Weekly round up 24 March 2024

Weekly round up 24 March 2024

Peter Kempe25 Mar - 15:48
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Final weekend of the season.

The final weekend of the season ended with draws for the M1s and W1s who both finish 4th in their respective national League divisions.

The highlight of the weekend was the M2s win away at Chelmsford 1s with the team finally playing to its full potential. The W2s and W5s also had good away wins against Chelmsford.

The M3s also ended the season in style with a 4-3 win against Hatfield 1s.

Thank you to Rob Bloss and Beth MacGregor who are both hanging up their sticks after over 20 years at the club. Hope to see you both back in purple soon.

M1s - (Canterbury 3 -3 Old Loughtonians)

Old Loughtonians M1s were away at Canterbury for their final match of the season in Division 1 South of the National League. Canterbury, spurred on by a vocal home crowd, took the lead after only 4 minutes from a penalty corner. Loughts dominated possession for the next twenty minutes and scored twice just before half time through Conor Caplan from a short corner and James Thomas in open play.

Loughts extended their lead in the third quarter with a second goal from Caplan and looked comfortable as the match neared its conclusion. A series of penalty corners however resulted in a second for Canterbury with six minutes to play and an equaliser with two minutes left on the clock. Canterbury were awarded yet another penalty corner a minute later but Loughts held firm to secure a point. The 3-3 result means that Loughts finish 4th in the league.

W1s - (Old Loughtonians 2 -2 Hampstead & Westminster 2s)

Old Loughtonians Women’s 1s ended the season with an exciting encounter against high flying Hampstead & Westminster W2s in the England Hockey Women’s Conference East which ended all square at Luxborough Lane. Hampstead started strongly and Loughts had to be resolute in defence to keep the game goalless in the first quarter. Georgia Davies led the backline with her trademark impeccably timed interceptions in much evidence. The game was halted for an extended period at the start of the second quarter as a Hampstead attacker was struck in the face from a deflected penalty corner.

With eight minutes remaining until half time Loughts lost the ball deep in their own half and Hampstead made no mistake in sweeping the ball home to take a 1-0 lead into the break. A feisty third quarter saw a real battle in the middle of the park with Hampstead moving the ball impressively but Loughts continuing to hold their shape to deny them. However with only four minutes remaining in the quarter Hampstead extended their lead after a fine save from Phoebe Menear was slotted home at the second attempt despite Old Loughts claiming Menear was impeded by a dangerous air shot.
However this Loughts side can never be under estimated and they threw themselves into the fourth quarter with the gusto that they have approached the whole season. Within a minute they had reduced the arrears as Adele Sammons spun away from three defenders and into the D where she struck a venomous drive that went in through the keeper’s legs. Old Loughts were now in the ascendancy and their reward came five minutes from time. They won a penalty corner and Davies’ disguised slap from the top of the D was expertly deflected home by captain and leading scorer Tash Patient. To complete their first season back in the National League with a fourth place finish and only three defeats in the campaign is tribute to this group and their Head Coach Mark Menear.

M2s - (Chemsford 1s 4 -5 Old Loughtonians 2s)

The M2s played their final match of the season away against league winners Chelmsford 1s. It was the first time all season that almost everyone was available after months beset by injuries and conflicting commitments. Ollie Davies, Harry Kempe and Will Smith had even flown in the evening before so that they finally had a full strength team.

From the start Loughts dominated Chelmsford in all areas of the park. Martyn Lear scored after 10 minutes and Theo Jayaraj added a second two minutes later. Andy MacGregor scored shortly afterwards to put Loughts 3-0 up after only 15 minutes.
By half time it was 4-1 after Kempe added a fourth from a penalty corner.

Ten minutes into the second half Loughts made it 5-1 when Sam Bond scored from another short corner. With the game won, Loughts relaxed and allowed Chelmsford to rally. The final score was 5-4 and after inflicting Chelmsford’s second defeat of the season the team were left reflecting on what might have been had everyone been fit all season.

W2s - (Chelmsford 2s 1 - 4 Old Loughtonians 2s)

The W2s were also away at Chelmer Park and also came away with all three points after an equally dominant win. Cressida Jamieson opened the scoring and Zara White added a second before Chelmsford W2s made it 2-1 at half time. Chloe Stack added a third and Jamieson the fourth and the match finished 4-1.

Chelmsford M4s and M5s however won 2-0 and 7-0 respectively against Loughts M4s and M6s Willows Woodsmen but the W5s (also away at Chelmer Park) won 5-4 against Chelmsford 6s including two goals from Emily Harley.

M3s - (Old Loughtonians 3s 4 - 3 Hatfield 1s)

Elsewhere the M3s also ended the season in style. Edgar Padfield scored the first, Edward Padfield the next two and Caspian Coupe the fourth as the M3s beat Hertford 1s 4-3. The M5s Willows lost 7-3 away against Tendring 1s, the M7s Willows Rangers lost 2-1 away against Old Southendian 5s and the M8s lost 4-3 against Romford Development. The W3s had a difficult final match away against Old Southendian 1s and lost 3-0. Thank you to Old Southendian for magnificent post match teas. The W4s drew 0-0 against Southend & Benfleet 3s with Jane Blake in goal keeping out every attempt on goal.

The season is not over for the Youth teams. Good luck to everyone yet to play.

On Sunday the club hosted a large Essex festival for under 8s, under 10s and under 12s. Thank you to everyone who helped make the tournament such a great success.

Further reading