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2024 AGM

2024 AGM

Peter Kempe2 Jun - 18:40
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Company secretary's report

The 8th annual general meeting of Old Loughtonians Hockey Club Limited will be held at Roding Sports Centre at 3.30 pm on Saturday 6th July 2024

This is the company secretary's report.

Old Loughtonians Hockey Club Limited
Roding Sports Centre
Luxborough Lane
Essex IG7 5AB

2nd June 2024

Dear Fellow Members

This is the company secretary's report for the 2024 AGM.

As previously mentioned by John Wright, we are holding this year's annual general meeting ("AGM") on Saturday 6th July 2024 at 3.30 pm at the clubhouse. The notice of the meeting and a form of proxy are here on the website.

After five years, Phillip Wheater will be stepping down as chairman of the Club. I am pleased to report that he has agreed to take on the role of chairman of the Playing and Coaching Committee. He has also agreed to sit on the Management Committee as the Playing and Performance officer.

I am also very pleased to report that Cindy Falconer has agreed to continue as Welfare and Safeguarding officer and that Richard Higgins will continue as President. Cindy and Richard have also agreed to continue as directors of the Club and I have agreed to stay on as company secretary (all subject to re-election). Simon Beckley has offered to replace Phillip as a director.

Simon has agreed to act as Chairman and will stand down as Men’s Club Captain. Nobody has as yet volunteered to take on that role. Samantha Gayler will continue as Women’s Club Captain.

Neil Berkeley has agreed to step in as Membership Secretary. We hope to have a volunteer for Finance Officer confirmed as well.

We do not have a Property Management officer but property management has been delegated to a new Old Loughtonians Services Limited committee (Cindy, Phillip, Simon and me) which will manage the commercial business of the Club whilst the main Management Committee will primarily cover playing, coaching and other hockey related activities.

After many seasons Jay Fox has decided to step away from hockey for next season. He has been a fabulous supporter of the Club for a very long time and carried out many roles (Girls lead coach, minis co-ordinator, Talent Academy and Talent Centre manager, covid officer, umpire, office manager, management committee member and much more). He will be much missed. Thank you Jay for everything you have done.

I would also like to mention Rachel Paddon who is stepping down as Fixtures secretary, a difficult and thankless task which she has done behind the scenes as well as managing GMS for the Club and acting as a team manager and previously as Club treasurer. Thank you Rachel.

The AGM notice page on the website will include a schedule setting out the roles which have been filled and those other roles which still need to be filled. As far as other Club officers are concerned, we still need a new Communications officer, a Computer Systems officer and a Sponsorship officer as well as Social Secretaries.

Co-opted members of the management committee will be appointed by the new management committee at the first meeting after the AGM.

Without the many volunteers who you will see listed on the schedule, our Club could not function. If you are able to help and would like to carry out any role (whether listed or not) please do let Simon or me know.

If you are not able to attend, could you please complete the proxy form and return it to me by email.

With the notice of the AGM is, or will be, a copy of:
(a) The Chairman's report prepared by Phillip Wheater;
(b) The Ladies Club Captain's report prepared by Sam Gayler;
(c) The Men's Club Captain's report prepared by Simon Beckley;
(e) The Membership Secretary's report prepared by me including the recommendations for next season's membership fees;
(f) A report in respect of the Club’s financial accounts for 2023/34 and the Club’s projected financial situation for 2024/25 prepared by Phillip Wheater;
(g) The minutes of last year's meeting;
(h) The schedule of volunteers for 2024/25; and
(i) The form of proxy.

New vice presidents will be announced at the AGM.

If you have any questions regarding any of the reports please raise them at the AGM.

Yours sincerely
Peter Kempe
Company Secretary
Old Loughtonians Hockey Club Limited

Further reading