OLHCL Annual general Meetings 10 of 12

10. Club AGM 2020

The annual general meeting of the club in its former guise as an unincorporated association took place on 12th October 2020.  All of the activities of the club are now with Old Loughtonians Hockey Club Limited ("OLHC") but the club still holds some assets on behalf of OLHC pending its formal dissolution.

The only remaining members of the club (as opposed to OLHC) are four existing and former  members of the management committee who are managing the wind down of the club and the vice presidents and life members.

These are the minutes of the 2020 AGM .

Minutes of the annual general meeting of the Club held by video link arranged from Roding Sports Centre, Luxborough Lane, Chigwell, Essex IG 7 5 AB at 7.30pm on 12 October 2020.

PRESENT: Samantha Gayler (Vice-President)
Peter Kempe (Membership Secretary)
Phillip Wheater (Chairman)
John Reynolds (Vice-President)
John Wright (Vice-President)

IN ATTENDANCE: Simon Beckley
Cindy Falconer
Jamie Oxley

1.In the absence of Richard Higgins, Peter Kempe took the chair and declared the meeting open.
2. The chairman of the meeting welcomed the members to the meeting and noted that there were apologies for absence from Jane Blake, Jay Fox, Richard Higgins and Tom Stumbke.
3. The chairman of the meeting noted that a proxy had been received from each of Jane Blake, Jay Fox, Richard Higgins and Tom Stumbke and that the meeting was quorate.
4. The Chairman of the Club had nothing to report as the Club had no activities during the year.
5. The Honorary Secretary’s report was presented in the form of the minutes of the 2019 annual general meeting which were approved.
6. The chairman of the meeting presented the Honorary Treasurer’s report. It was noted that the Club had no assets and liabilities but that two bank accounts were still open and some funds were still being received albeit as nominee for Old Loughtonians Hockey Club Limited. The Honorary Treasurer had asked the bank to add the the Chairman of the Club as a signatory on the bank mandate so that the Chairman could deal with the transfer of the funds and the closure of the accounts after which the Club could be wound up.
7. Richard Higgins, Peter Kempe Tom Stumbke Phillip Wheater were each re-elected as President, Membership Secretary , Honorary Treasurer and Chairman respectively. It was noted that Jane Blake had retired as Honorary Secretary but would continue as a member of the Club as a Vice-President.
8. Haslers were provisionally appointed as the auditors of the Club although it was thought that no audit would be required.
9. The resolution that there be no annual subscriptions or match fees was approved.
There being no other business the meeting terminated at 7.46.
